Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Day Eighteen

OK. I'm starting to see a pattern here. Wednesdays are no good for writing. My schedule is much more erratic and this means that my usual writing time isn't available. And no I can't move things round, unfortunately work doesn't allow for that.

I might write this afternoon, but I might not. I did print out what I have already written and I'll start reading through it to find out where I can add. (And where I need to delete.) I won't rewrite anything yet, but I will mark it out for later.

Still 12 days to go, so I should still make it. It is definitely harder now I've finished the story line. I think I should have marked the places that I skipped, so that they were easier to find. But I didn't.

The story needs to reach 75k to 90k in order to be of publishable length, so I must be able to add in stuff somewhere. Either that or I need to add to the body count again.

So my status so far:-
Original story 42500 words (approx.) and story line is complete.
New story just under 3000 words and only just getting started and I have no idea where this ones going.

If I stick to the original, to win NaNoWriMo I need another 7500 words, which should be doable.
If I work out a very detailed outline plus some scenes for the second story, I only need another 4500 words. All numbers are approximate values. In this second case, I would end up with 2 "first drafts", but I fear I'll get sidetracked if I do.

See for a good explanation for my fear.

The link is also in the comments of yesterday's entry. All thanks go to Bill, because it is such a perfect match.

I will add one little thing, all this blogging is definitely helping my spelling.

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