Wednesday 13 October 2010

More outlining

I'm now up to chapter 8 on the outline re-write and only 18 days until NaNoWriMo begins. Time to pick up the pace and really get these outlines ready. There are 28 chapters in total and if I can write 3000 words per chapter, I'll end up with a book with 84000 words.

I'm really looking forward to the start of NaNoWriMo and I'm getting a little nervous.I just want November 1st to be here.

And welcome to all the new people following my blog. I wish you all good luck in your NaNoWriMo attempts.

Thursday 7 October 2010

Update on NaNoWriMo outline

Instead of continuing with the outline of the previous NaNoWriMo story, I picked up the new outline again. I wrote a character list and a quick synopsis, which misses a few points. I did it out of my head and not referring to the chapter outlines I had already written.

I did that so I could see how much of the story I could remember. It's amazing how many little changes crept in. After writing the half page synopsis, I started on Chapter 1 outline. Very little changed, but names were added and a couple of minor points were clarified.

Now I'm up to Chapter 3 and it's taking longer than I thought it would. I guess I shouldn't be surprised really. As in this round I'm making sure that there is consistency in everything, through names to places etc. I know in the first outline some characters changed sex to make them fit better in that particular scene, now they are fixed and hence some scenes need to be redone.

Consistency...I'm not very good at that.