Friday, 27 April 2012


So what am I doing about actually getting round to writing? Well not much. I am considering doing an on-line/remote course. I do find that these help me get writing again and maybe it's the push I need.

The one I was considering is this one, which was recommended by a certain marine animal's blog. Of course she uses her real name nowadays, but, in general, her advice shouldn't be ignored.

I can't do the Skype version (well I could but I wouldn't get much sleep), but they do have the recorded version. I'm in 2 minds at the moment as it's still a lot of money. Time to weigh the benefits versus costs. I'm too tired to make the decision straight away. I might make the right one, but it's better to wait until I'm fully conscious so I judge things a little better.

I just re-read that last statement and am wondering how true it really is...

Still I have a few days off work next week and an opportunity to buy some shoes. I've had a strong desire to buy shoes for a few weeks now and have resisted. But I think it's time my resolve crumbled and I experience that fleeting moment of ecstasy, before the pain of having to actually walk in the shoes cuts in.

None of this has anything to do with writing. Time to take a nap.

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