Thursday, 10 December 2009


So didn't do much yesterday, but it was a Wednesday. Still can't work out why I don't do much on a Wednesday, I just don't. In the writing sense that is. I do lots of things. I guess I do them on Wednesday so I don't have to do them for the rest of the week. I need to start writing at the weekend and just forget about writing on Wednesday.

Now I have two outlines (actually I have three, but the original NaNoWriMo one is no longer relevant) one of which is very close to the original I used in NaNoWriMo, but with the changes I wanted after having completed the 50k. The other one is no where near complete, but what I have done is, in my own opinion, better than the completed one.

The problem is I'm having trouble completing this outline. I keep going back to it and I don't seem to be able to get any further, so for now I'm going to set it to one side. I am going to start writing and editing the text I do have in order to get my second draft done. When the second draft is done, then I'll go back and see if the third outline is any good or of any help. If it isn't I'll delete it.

I should say that the beginnings of both outlines are almost identical, but they rapidly diverge. I like the direction that the unfinished one takes, I just not sure that it is something I want to write. Sounds a bit weird, but it makes sense to me. I often read books that I would never think of writing.

Lottery by Patricia Woods is one such book. I loved this book. I read it in one sitting. I think it's a great concept and it is written very well. Having said that it is not a book I would write. It's just not my style, but it is a great book.

And I think that might be my problem here. The second outline might produce a great book, but I'm not convinced it's one I want to write. On the other hand, maybe it's the one I need to write.

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