Monday, 10 March 2014

A new week

And a new goal. I am writing, well mostly deleting at the moment. However I am busy working on my novel. I never realized exactly how bad my spelling is when typing, but it is truly awful. There are some words that I just can't type without spelling them incorrectly. Auto-correction is a wonderful thing.

I will need to read through very carefully afterwards, make sure that it hasn't done anything too strange...

Still it feels good to be writing and editing. I've got rid of about 1500 words which I was in two minds about, but I really don't feel that the were working in this context. So they've gone to another file, just in case I change my mind again.

So now I'm back and trying to work on some new scenes and re-writing the parts that I've just cut out. The action still needs to happen, but now from a different perspective and probably off stage. The consequences are needed for the storyline.

Back to writing.

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