Monday, 4 June 2012


After all that activity, I have done nothing else on getting my short story published. I have printed it out, using courier, 12pt, double spacing, but nothing else. I haven't got round to reading it. This will change in the next couple of days.

I do have a busy week, but there's still time in there to do this. During the last week I was on holiday for several days, so I was busy with that. The days I did work, were incredibly busy. I didn't get to stop at all. Comparing this week to last, this one is very quiet.

Of course it's all comparative. My normal week is much quieter than this week and last week was the busiest I've been in a long time. Hopefully things will slow down and I'll get more time for me. Trouble is I always find that something new comes up to replace the old.

Here's to editing my short story - the next stage in getting it published.

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