Tuesday, 24 August 2010


Well I've been away for a while. First on vacation and then ill (again). However during this time I have been experimenting with different ways of outlining and I think I've found a way that will work for me.

OK, so I still have to test it fully, but so far it's looking good. I've tried several methods, but none have lasted more than a week at most. This one's been going much longer and I'm much further.

I've got an idea for a story. I've got a more detailed breakdown and currently, I am writing a very detailed outline. I'm going chapter by chapter, through the story and working out what happens in each one.

I know I'll probably move things or even break up or combine chapters, but it is much more detailed than before. I've started a new story, which is a bit naughty, but I need a break from the old one. I think this new story will become this years NaNoWriMo.

If this turns out as well as I think it will, I'll go back to the original story and start planning it out in the same way. OK so the devils in the actual writing, but strangely enough I've never had a real problem with that part.

It's the plotting - well keeping a coherent plot - that I find hard. I change my mind and think I can just go back and change it later, but that never works. At least for me. I get too lost and just can't find my way back again.

So short term goal - for the next month or so - is to finish the detailed outline for NaNoWriMo 2010. Then if I get that finished before 1st November, I will start trying to plot out my failed novel from last year. With luck, both will be complete before NaNoWriMo.

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