Tuesday, 20 April 2010


I meant to write this yesterday, but it never quite reached the top of my to-do list.

I read quite a few blogs. OK, so I read a lot of blogs and yesterday one of them, Rachelle Gardner's to be precise, featured an email from someone having trouble writing. The whole thing really struck a cord with me. Here's the link to the story.

"Wondering" loved dreaming and finally tried to write down those dreams, but was finding it difficult. Now I love dreaming too. I do it almost constantly. I don't have a problem writing down the dream, but problem comes from turning that dream into a book.

Let me try to explain. My dream isn't a constant thing. It's always changing, mutating. Characters merge or simply change with no reason. So from beginning to end, my story follows no one line. It changes to match the people/location etc.

This is my problem. In order to write a book, there has to be one constant storyline. I need to fix it in place. I'm not so good at doing that. Writing down the dream, that I find easy. I don't worry if it doesn't make sense, because I know I can fix it later.

Writing is hard. At least writing a book is hard. Keeping to the point is hard (for me). Making excuse not write is very easy.

Now back to dreaming.

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