Friday, 7 September 2012

Long time, no write

On here at least. I did do some writing, but not much.

However, I do have this year's NaNoWriMo plot. It came to me a couple of days ago. It's not something that I normally would write, but I think I need to try something different. It's still a murder mystery. No change there. It's the point of view and how the narrator relates to the rest of the cast that will be very different from anything else I've written.

The plot came to me as I was just starting a writing exercise, which had to be written in first person. I never write in first as I generally hate prose written that way, with one or two notable exceptions. It's one of these that is partly responsible for the point of view choice.

The plot could work in two particular situations. One of these would make it young adult. I've never written nor considered writing something other than fiction for adults. So I'm in two minds, should I try young adult instead? I think I might. Sometimes it's good to do something totally different.

I've already got the storyline. I'm going to start plotting it out in more detail. How much detail will depend on how much time I have and what I can think of. Sometimes I do better when I don't detail too much. Other times I have no idea what to write and that can kill a NaNoWriMo.

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