Tuesday, 2 April 2013


Well I did very little writing, despite by best laid plans. I did however learn how to crochet. It's something I wanted to try for years, but life always got in the way. I've now made 3 doillies. OK, so they aren't brilliant, but you can see the improvement from the first to the third. I'm also using a medium wool, which means they are a lot more chunky than normal.

So now I just have to use the same technique to write more. It's a very simple technique, which can be applied to anything. And I do mean anything. From flossing to exercise to cooking and to just about anything you can think of.

You start by forming a habit. A very simple habit. The rest grows from there. So for writing, you form a habit, which consists of writing just one word. That word leads to the next and so on.

For the crocheting, I started with just one stitch, which lead to me crocheting for 5 minutes, which lead to me getting totally distracted and crocheting a doily in one sitting. On Monday I made 2, one in the morning, and one in the afternoon. The first one took a couple of days...

So for writing, when I have some free time I need to sit down and write one word, which will hopefully lead to a second and so on.

A great place to go to learn about forming habits is http://tinyhabits.com/, which can teach how to form habits. It may seem a little weird, but it does actually work.

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