Thursday, 17 December 2009

Snow, and lots of it.

And because of the snow, there will be very little writing/editing done today. It took me just over two hours to get into work. That consisted of about 1 hour and 40 minutes in the car and another 20 minutes walking.

This means I need to leave work at about 2pm to be sure that I get my children to their Christmas party on time. It's going to be a short, white day.

Not that there are many people in today. Most haven't bothered trying to get here and I don't blame them. I'm taking my computer home with me tonight so that if the weather doesn't improve, I don't have to come in tomorrow.

Everything does look pretty.

Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Progress at last.

I know today is Wednesday and all the way through NaNoWriMo I never wrote on a thing on a Wednesday, but today I did quite a bit.

With the problems I've been having with writing a new scene, I decided to do some editing instead. The result of this is an additional 8752 words have been added to my total, bring it up to 12528 words.

Now I know this is mostly editing. I have deleted a lot and I have rewritten parts, but mostly the increase in my total is due to the bits I wrote during NaNoWriMo that were actually quite good. (OK, so I think they are very good, but that might change over time).

I think I will continue like this tomorrow and possibly Friday. However I might run out of good parts by then and so I'll be back to writing again. My biggest gain from doing this, is the feeling that I am actually accomplishing something. My lack of progress in writing a new scene was really getting to me.

I was starting to lose confidence. Going back and getting stuff from my first draft has cheered me up tremendously. Not mention it has boosted my word count. I've also identified where new scenes are needed. I haven't even tried to write these yet, I've just simply put a note in the text, which includes a brief description of what I think the scene should include.

I think that I'll end up using about 30000 words from the first draft and hence will be dropping about 20000 words. I don't think that's a bad ratio. Especially since I re-did the storyline and changed the identity of the killer. I think I've worked out a new sub-plot that will increase the word count while illustrating the behaviour of a couple of characters.

So onwards and upwards.

Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Today's progress

Miraculously I wrote something today. Not much, but it's better than nothing. I added 361 words to my total, bring it up to 3776 words. Nowhere near as much as I should have written, but at least the total is increasing now.

I'm hoping to get more done over the Christmas break. I get 2 weeks off work, so I should be able to get something done. The only day that I know I won't get much done is the 26th December. That's visitor day, when we open our doors and everyone turns up. It tends to end up as a very long, chaotic day.

Now I know that we will also go out on at least a couple of other days as a family, but I should still be able to write. Hopefully I will get into a routine that will help my total increase and perhaps, I'll even reach my goals.

If it turns out to be a real disaster, I'll re-evaluate my plan. Perhaps I'll change to another storyline/plot. We will see.

Here we go again....

I didn't write again yesterday. My excuse is work. I did a lot of work yesterday and that took up all my time. When I got home I did the housework I hadn't done on Sunday because I was out a birthday tea instead.

But today, I have time. Trouble is will I write? I would be stupid not to and I have the time. All I have to do is to start typing. I think writing this post will help. It is at least some sort of writing and is a start. Now all I have to do is get creative.

Monday, 14 December 2009

Update (lack of)

Unsurprisingly, I did not write over the weekend. I managed 0 words.

However I did work out that I needed to change the location of the scene that I'm stuck on. If I move the location and add in a new character, one that isn't actually new, but was deleted from the NaNoWriMo draft because I thought that she was superfluous. Now I realise my first instinct was the right one. Moving the scene and adding the character will add a new dimension and solve some other minor problems. My MC will show herself off in a different environment and that is needed.

It will increase the word count too and that's no bad thing. The first draft, written for NaNoWriMo, was only 52000 words long and the final draft needs 75000-90000 words to lie within the "normal" book lengths.

I might change the timeline a bit too, not sure about that yet though. I think I need to write more before making a decision. Perhaps that's something for the next draft. Keep with the current timeline as is in this draft and see how the whole thing pans out. Sounds good to me.

On a separate note, I seem to have lost the spell checker from my post editor. I have no idea how I managed that, but I really need to find it again. My spelling is so weak, it's scary.

Friday, 11 December 2009

Quick Update

Today's final word count is 3415 words. So the second draft total is 3415 words. It's completely edited, so I did make my 2500 words goal. However I do need to write a new scene. Currently there is a paragraph that basically describes a scene, but I don't actually show it.

I've tried twice now to write that scene and have got absolutely nowhere. I need to approach it from a different angle. I know leaving it for later isn't going to work. It was in the first draft in just about the same form as now and it hasn't gotten any easier to write.

Trouble is I don't understand why this one is so difficult. Maybe it's just one of those things that just don't seem to have an explanation, they just are. Still it's bugging me a little. I think I will start by expanding the paragraph I have now and see if that will lead to proper scene, but that is for tomorrow and I will be writing tomorrow.

At least a little. I know I won't be writing on Sunday as I have to go out for the entire day, hence I'm determined to do at least something tomorrow. Maybe I'll get that scene written.


So far today, I have added 3884 words to my new draft. This gives a total of 3884 words in the second draft. Most of these words come from the first draft and a lot still need editing. I'm 750 words into the edit. I've already deleted some scenes that are no longer relevant. I just have to re-write the ones that are still relevant.

My goal for this second draft is to get 2500 words written and/or edited per day for at least five days per week. I failed miserably to do that this week, but in defence I did only start writing today. I should have started earlier, but didn't. Still I should be able to make my daily target for today at least.

As for NaNoWriMo, I'll keep a total going on here so that I can track my progress. I'll also update my spreadsheet to see how I'm doing and see if I can meet the goals I'm setting myself. Christmas is coming so that will affect things. I just don't know how at the moment. I won't be working, but there is far more family orientated things to do. Should be interesting if nothing else.

Other things I am doing is adding the scenes into a spreadsheet, which includes a timeline, words per scene and how many scenes I need to reach my word goal. For example, I've set my total word count for the entire novel to 80000 words, which is a reasonable length. Now my first scene is 750 words long. Now if all my scenes are that length, I would need 107 scenes to reach my target.

Of course not all the scenes will be the same length and the exact word count won't be 80000 words, but it's fun to track my progress. I'll keep an update on my average scene length and how many scenes I need to reach 80000 words. I'm hoping that the 107 will come down...

Time to go back to editing.

Thursday, 10 December 2009


So didn't do much yesterday, but it was a Wednesday. Still can't work out why I don't do much on a Wednesday, I just don't. In the writing sense that is. I do lots of things. I guess I do them on Wednesday so I don't have to do them for the rest of the week. I need to start writing at the weekend and just forget about writing on Wednesday.

Now I have two outlines (actually I have three, but the original NaNoWriMo one is no longer relevant) one of which is very close to the original I used in NaNoWriMo, but with the changes I wanted after having completed the 50k. The other one is no where near complete, but what I have done is, in my own opinion, better than the completed one.

The problem is I'm having trouble completing this outline. I keep going back to it and I don't seem to be able to get any further, so for now I'm going to set it to one side. I am going to start writing and editing the text I do have in order to get my second draft done. When the second draft is done, then I'll go back and see if the third outline is any good or of any help. If it isn't I'll delete it.

I should say that the beginnings of both outlines are almost identical, but they rapidly diverge. I like the direction that the unfinished one takes, I just not sure that it is something I want to write. Sounds a bit weird, but it makes sense to me. I often read books that I would never think of writing.

Lottery by Patricia Woods is one such book. I loved this book. I read it in one sitting. I think it's a great concept and it is written very well. Having said that it is not a book I would write. It's just not my style, but it is a great book.

And I think that might be my problem here. The second outline might produce a great book, but I'm not convinced it's one I want to write. On the other hand, maybe it's the one I need to write.

Monday, 7 December 2009


At least that is what I should be doing, writing a new outline. Instead I'm surfing the web, doing my job, cleaning the house etc. In fact anything but writing a new outline. I am a little stuck at the moment, however that shouldn't stop me, but it has.

My excuse is that I'm looking for new inspiration to add to my story as well as boosting what I already have. That's just an excuse. I'm not really doing anything. Part of this is post NaNoWriMo exhaustion. I've been so intensely involved that I needed a break.

The other part is fear. Fear of failing, of being bad, of just not being able to finish what I've started, so why not fail now and do something else instead. None of this is real, it's just in my head. Part of me wants to work on several projects at once to increase my chances of at least one working out.

I know that if I start multiple stories, none will ever get finished. I have to concentrate on one and right now, that's difficult. It's time to knuckle down and get on with it. I know I can, trouble is will I?

One constructive thing I have been doing, is reading. Several books so far and I've another 4 I would like to read. At least 2 have been so bad, it's amazing they ever got published in the first place. Though both had interesting concepts, but, trust me, the writing was atrocious.

One book I couldn't get beyond the first page. It was that awful. I know I've read the book before, but how I managed it, I do not know. Another, one of the really bad books, had so many "She got home, had some dinner and a drink, then went to bed" scenes it was truly amazing. Well, they weren't really scenes, but you know what I mean.

The one I'm currently reading is very well written. It's not a subject I would write about, but that's just personal. The flow is good, but I think there are parts that could easily been cut to make the whole thing tighter, but on the whole these are few and far between. If I had written this book, I would be very happy. I know it's not going to win awards, but it is a good read and that is what is important to me.

Thursday, 3 December 2009

Progress and Posts

I am making progress, but it is very slow at the moment. The upshot of this is that I will not be writing a new post every day. Instead I will update my blog 2-3 times a week, more if I happen to be doing well and when I am in a writing frenzy, then I'll update everyday.

But for the next two weeks or so, things will be quieter. I'm working on my outline and refining my characters, including either renaming or simply naming a couple of them. They aren't actually changing, just getting a cosmetic makeover. A bit like the outline.

Hopefully just before Christmas I will start writing in earnest again.

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Congratulations to all!

Congratulations to all NaNoWriMo Winners and to everyone who met their own goals. I hope you all enjoyed yourselves no matter what the outcome and I hope you are happy with what you've achieved. You should be.

I meant to write this yesterday, but ended up working and dealing with real life instead. Today is very full as well, so I writing now as I don't think I'll get another chance. Tomorrow should be quieter...